Use these 8 questions recommended by Bob Proctor to identify the Paradigm Shifts you want to make and then decide to make them!
My mentor Bob Proctor had me answer these questions back in 2015 when I first began working closely with him.
He wanted to see where my paradigms where at and what paradigm shifts I wanted to make.
At first I didn’t know the answers to them all, but soon I discovered what I really wanted. I have since asked myself these questions on a regular basis and continue to upgrade and change my Paradigms using my Signature Paradigm Shift program Thinking Into Results to create new and better results in my life.
I have given these questions to thousands of people over the years to help them clarify where they are, where they want to go and what specific paradigm shifts they want to make too.
Now, I’d like to ask you those very same questions – spend time with each question and write your answer.
Here are the questions:
1. How often would you take a holiday if money wasn’t a determining factor?
2. How much has your income increased, year-by-year, over the past 5 years?
2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023
3. What improvements would you like to see take place in your life over the next two years?
4. Describe a recurring concern or problem that you would like to eliminate.
5. How much would you have to earn to eliminate all financial concerns in your life?
6. What kind of contribution do you dream of making to society?
7. How would you spend your day, every day, if you could truly do what you love to do?
8. If I could show you how to accomplish one or more of the above objectives, would you dedicate a specific period of time each day to make the changes necessary to accomplish the success you seek? And how much time would you be ready to dedicate to this solution?
Make a choice right now to put your goals and dreams first. If you really want to make change in your life then you have to go deeper. You have to ignite change at the level where you results are created. You have to change your mind.
When you do that achieving your goal becomes not merely possible or probable, it becomes inevitable.
The Blueprint Thinking Into [New] Results Formula is a one-of-a-kind, highly structured system that will empower you to:
Clarify your goal with absolute precision
Install your goal in the deepest part of your mind
Harmonise your goal with the natural laws of the universe
Be more, do more, have more. Enrol Now and start Thinking Into Results and turn your goals and aspirations into results.
Click here to learn more about Thinking Into Results and Enrol Now.
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