8 Quick Tips to Boost Productivity
Here are 8 quick (practical) tips (you can use today!) to boost your productivity and effectiveness.
1. Make quick definite decisions. Procrastination is a destructive emotion that has your mind and body in an ambivalent state.
2. Decide on your main goal and focus on the most important goal achieving activities for the day and aim to complete your list by 12pm each day.
3. Leave your phone outside the bedroom at night. Go to bed reading a book, writing gratitude notes in your journal, visualise your goal and ask your subconscious mind for guidance as you fall asleep
4. Wake up and ignite your imagination and your conscious mind. Start your day by journaling thoughts of gratitude, visualise your goal and write what you see in your journal. Resist the temptation to check your emails or social media until you have curated and set your mind and are dressed for the day.
5. Turn off App notifications on your phone so they don’t pop up on your home screen. The notifications are designed to interrupt you and make you engage with the app so they can sell you to the advertiser. You decide when you want to use the Apps of your choice.
6. Follow accounts and people who give you great energy and inspiration. Decide in advance what content and groups you like to see and engage with on different platforms. Plan your time on your device accordingly so that it serves you and your goal well.
7. Delete any unused apps from your phone. Let this also be a symbolic first step in deleting unwanted and unused programs from your mind no longer serve your needs.
8. Stay clear and calm in your mind no matter what is going on outside you. Personally I love this affirmation “Everything is always working out for me” which I first learned from another of my mentors Esther Hicks. A calm, focused mind boosts productivity because your mind is operating in an orderly state, so your energy and actions are aligned producing more effortless results.
Want to make a Quantum Leap in your results? Here’s what I suggest you do, go to the enrolment page (here: https://karenbrook.com/thinking-into-new-results) and watch the videos and dare to start.