Client Testimonials
Hear from highly acclaimed Outback Australian photographer, Lisa Alexander about how she set new goals and made her monthly income in ONE day within the first seven weeks of the program.
Athena Manley is an executive leader with 20+ year banking & insurance career. Hear what Athena has to say about working with Karen and the impact the coaching has had on her career and life.
Tegan Newman talk about her experience working with Karen, what the coaching has done for her in less than three months, including the impact it has had on her leadership, her team and the new business model she has created.
Jacqueline Verrall Case Study
“Karen Brook brings your ideas to life. She is the best coach I’ve come across as she makes it real, keeps it simple and has real tools that can change your life. Her program is the best I’ve ever done and I can’t recommend her highly enough. Just sign up and start today.”
Justine Carey Case Study
“Karen’s coaching and support is next level! Studying and learning from Karen Brook has been the best thing I have done to extend myself, improve my business, gain confidence and the flow on effect for my family has been extraordinary. Thank you Karen!”
“I have studied with Karen twice and have loved every minute of it! Her energy is infectious and being around others who ultimately want to improve themselves and their life is the perfect supportive environment to help you discover your goals & start heading towards them with confidence and empowerment! It really does start in the mind and Karen is very experienced and skilled in helping you grow to become the best version of yourself and to help you see your goals & dreams fulfilled!”
Lisa Rodgers
Coaching with Karen is about community and how we support each other to achieve great things in business and life.
Hear from different people about their experience of studying with Karen Brook.
Hear from Emma, Alan and Sarah as they share their inspiring stories of change and transformation.
Out of The Darkness to LIFE
How can this benefit you too? In this interview, Benita Bensch shares her story of growth and transformation in becoming an International Best Selling Author with her book “The Art of Trying” – a story of hope, love and loss on the road to conceive her four children. If this story resonates with you and you would like to experience the same kind of shifts, then let Karen help you too.
Life, Love and Business Success
Maybe you’ve been wondering if working with Karen Brook is the right fit for you? In this interview, Sarah Bascombe share her story of growth and transformation and what is has been like to be guided by global success and mindset coach Karen Brook. If this story resonates with you and you would like to experience the same kind of results in 2023 and you can follow direction, then working with Karen is for you.