"Karen Brook is one of the most effective people I have ever worked with."
Bob Proctor, Legendary Coach and Speaker, Proctor Gallagher Institute

Bob Proctor, Legendary Coach and Speaker, Proctor Gallagher Institute
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Create the time and money freedom that works for you, your lifestyle and your family. Have the work/business you love and the free time to enjoy it all.
Setting A Worthy Goal for Growth, Discovering Your New Identity, The Magic of Attitude
How to Close the Knowing - Doing Gap, Understanding the Power of Paradigms and Your Infinite Mind
Overcoming the #1 Cause of Fear and Failure, How to Turn Your Thoughts into Things, Changing Your Beliefs to Match the Results You Want, Harnessing the Magic in Your Mind Using Your Mental Faculties
Leveraging the Law of Cause and Effect for Bigger Results with Ease, Leadership and Followership, Creating a Powerful Mastermind for Quantum Leaps
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