Do you love your morning?
Does your morning set you up for a winning day?
The key to being a successful individual is to start your day in a winning mode because if you win your morning; you win your day. To be the best and most effective individual that you can be, requires the creation of winning habits that allow you to piece together one successful day after another, repeated for many weeks, months and years. In order to create a successful day though, it is imperative that you win your morning and develop the necessary habits to shift your mindset to that of a highly effective and productive individual. To help you win your morning, here are three top tips that you can implement into your life right now.
- Ditch the snooze.
The snooze button has no place in the life of a productive and highly effective individual and the first thing you need to do is ditch it. History may tell you that you are not a morning person or that you don’t function until you have a cup of coffee, but they are nothing but excuses. You can become a morning person right now if you choose to be. Your goal for the morning should be to get up when you wake up. Don’t enter into the internal discussion about whether you will get up or stay in bed a little longer. When your alarm goes off or the sun peeks through the curtains and rouses you from your slumber, swing your legs off the bed and hop up. When you incorporate the second tip into your life, you will know exactly what to do and where you are headed.
- Get focused.
There is little point in getting out of bed early if you don’t have a good reason to, so decide on your goal achieving activities the night before. Write down 6 activities that align directly with your goal that you are committed to achieving the next day. In doing so you’ll have a strong purpose for getting out of bed and be able to tick them off as you go. Goal achieving people are effective individuals because every action that they take throughout the day is leading them closer to their goal. Afterall, if you don’t know where you are going, how will you ever know how to get there!
- Achieve before breakfast.
For many people the time between waking up and eating breakfast can be very unproductive. In light of this, our third tip is to make the best use of this time and more importantly place a high value on it. It is often the time of day when interruptions are at a minimum and your effectiveness can be increased as a result. Your mind is calm and clear after rest allowing for some of your best work as the sun crests the horizon. Aim to achieve 1-2 of your activities during this time, and then complete those remaining before midday. There is something extremely satisfying about sitting down to breakfast knowing that you have already taken action towards achieving your goal.
So are you ready to start winning your morning?
We all have the same 24 hours in a day and after reading this you will have more tools to start using yours more effectively and productively. These are not tools to implement on Monday or the first of the month or New Years’ Day – they are tools to implement today. Don’t waste any more time wishing or hoping for better results. You are in direct control of how you spend your morning so now is the time to take responsibility and create a new reality. It is time to move into action and become a highly focused and energised individual who continually becomes more effective in their daily habits to create better results.
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